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Whether it's a deeply disounted seat in an upcoming PubCom class, or Bevi's latest blog entry, or a free online tutorial, being a Fan or Follower of PubCom pays off big time.
Bevi won't bombard you about what she had for breakfast (good grief, she's too embarrased to tell you about the chocolate brownie brunch!), so don't worry about being "over-tweeted" or having your FB wall clog up with useless drivel.
We use social media to help you get more helpful stuff for your creative endeavors.
When we have an empty seat in a class, we'll let PubCom's Twitter Followers and Facebook Fans take the class at steeply discounted prices until the seat is filled.
PubCom will announce the discount countdown on its Facebook or Twitter pages. Discounts begin at ...
Don't wait too long...once the seat is filled at these cheap prices, it's filled.
The fine print:
This is a "first-come, first-served" deal. First email received by us from one of our Twitter Followers or Facebook Fans will get the deal at that day's discount price.
You must contact us for access to the discount registration code for these deals. Do not use the regular registration forms.
These deals supercede any other coupons or discounts you may already have accrued.
"Day" = business day, Monday-Friday. Saturday and Sunday are the same "day" as Friday.
No cancellations allowed.
Not every PubCom class will have discounted seats available.