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PubCom has compiled this listing of tools and links just for federal government agencies.
Here are quick links to several GPO forms we mention in our government publishing classes.
•> Publication 300.6, a.k.a "the blue book" (PDF), Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting Electronic Design and Prepress Files
•> Form SF1, Request for Printing & Binding (Info & PDF)
•> Form 952, Disk Information Form (PDF)
For more GPO forms, visit •>
The Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA) is a streamlined printing procurement vehicle for use by the U.S. Government Printing Office’s Federal customer agencies, which can acquire publishing and information products and services valued up to $10,000 from local commercial vendors. Visit the GPO website to learn how to get started.
PubCom has SPAs with several regional offices. Visit our SPA webpage.
The Institute at GPO (formerly known as the Institute for Federal Printing & Electronic Publishing, IFPEP) conducts classes on printing topics, including print procurement, major software programs, and preflighting files. PubCom works extensively with IFPEP as trainers and consultants, and we highly recommend their excellent services to our government clients. District of Columbia employees, you're eligible for these classes, too. Visit their website at •> to learn more.
One Mile Up, Inc., is the creator, designer and manufacturer of the Federal Clip Art Libraries, electronic artwork illustrated to provide the most up to date compilation of royalty-free images that are of interest to people within the government and military. They also feature military photos and multimedia. Contact •> or call 703-642-1177
Is a U.S. Government work provided copyright protection? If a work was created under a government contract, who holds the copyright? Does the U.S. Government have any special rights to use copyrighted material?
These are only a sampling of the questions addressed by the newly published "Frequently Asked Questions About Copyright" from CENDI (an interagency cooperative organization composed of scientific and technical information managers from multiple agencies). The many questions and answers contained in this publication address copyright and contract law that affect federal government information dissemination practices. Developed primarily as an awareness tool for use by federal librarians, information center managers, publications managers, and government authors, theFAQ is available on CENDI's website,•>
In addition, the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) has developed "Guidelines for Determining Copy Rights" to help DoD managers and staff determine Government rights in copyrighted works. The guidelines, based on information found in the CENDI Copyright Frequently Asked Questions were reviewed and approved by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Office of General Counsel. See •>
Software companies give volume discounts to government agencies and corporations that purchase multiple or more copies of their programs, and many companies have dedicated government liaisons and programs. Check out these manufacturer's offerings:
Adobe — Learn how easy and cost-effective it is to procure and deploy Adobe software throughout your organization. The Adobe® Open Options (AOO) volume licensing program for government for government licensing program helps you save money, while enabling you to manage your software assets more effectively. (Note that the Macromedia family of software products was acquired by Adobe and offers its own volume discounts.)
Apple — The Apple Federal SmartPay Store is designed for federal customers to purchase Apple and third-party products using their federally issued SmartPay credit card. Apple offers powerful desktop and portable computer solutions at special prices for federal agencies. The Apple Federal Employee Purchase Program, for personal use, is a benefit provided by to employees of the U.S. Federal Government. (Visit Apple's government page.)
Corel — Any branch of government, agency of government corporation which receives a majority of its funding from a state, provincial or local government qualifies for government pricing from the Corel Corporation, which features Word Perfect Office X3, CorelDRAW and many other products. Government entities receive preferred pricing starting at the single license purchase level. Contractors tasked to work on government projects are also eligible for government pricing.
Enfocus/Pitstop — Enfocus Software is internationally recognized as a pioneer in PDF and preflighting technology and its ten-year focus on PDF solutions for graphic arts has resulted in universally acclaimed product innovations. Contact Enfocus Software, Inc.sales at 888-ENFOCUS or email
PatternStream — PatternStream that allows users to rapidly setup, test, modify, run, and save database publishing projects. PatternStream generates Adobe® FrameMaker, InDesign, PostScript, and Acrobat (pdf) files to publish to print, and Acrobat, XML, and HTML files for web distribution. PatternStream can also directly generate Microsoft Excel files to enable information distribution in spreadsheet form and mark-up files (e.g., HTML, XML, etc.). Telephone 888-230-1365 or email
Quark — Contact Quark directly to inquire about volume discounts: or 800-676-4575. The Quark® account manager team serves business sites with 20 or more seats on a QuarkXPress® site license providing premier sales and service. These local representatives are your advocates and your best resource for questions about on-site presentations, QuarkXPress site licensing, training, workflow analysis, and support. For DC, Maryland and Virginia, contact Tom Kelly, Account Manager/Southeast at or 215.295.0122.