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Subjects taught by Bevi Chagnon
The topics and software applications listed below can be taught in any of our formats:
Contact Bevi Chagnon to discuss your training needs.
Adobe Contribute
Website Design
Best Practices
Graphic Design
Adobe Illustrator
GIF Animation
Flash Animation
Bevi Chagnon is a well-known expert in Washington communications, and works extensively with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, trade associations, and businesses. She knows and understands the particular issues behind your publications and websites.
» More reasons why you'll receive the best training available from PubCom.
Bevi is an experienced presenter at conferences, workshops, and meetings for small and large audiences.
Any of the topics on this page or in our course catalog can be customized into shorter versions for 1 hour, 2 hour, or longer sessions.
Just ask!
Some organizations that have featured Bevi for presentations include: