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Whether you come to our training lab, or we come to your office to conduct onsite training, all our instructors are seasoned industry pros as well as professional instructors, full of enthusiasm, tips and tricks to get you up to speed fast. PubCom's instrutors have faced many of the same challenges you face. They know what works — and what doesn't — and teach you skills that are practical, proven, and effective. (•> See our instructors' bios.)
All students who complete a course receive CEUs and a certificate of completion. Most classes generally include a textbook, workbook, and handouts. (This doesn't apply to some classes as noted in the course description.)
View our calendar of upcoming classes. Or consider custom training for your team at your facilities.
PubCom reserves several days each month for studio-based classes (see list at left or view •> full list of training topics) in its state-of-the-art training lab equipped with Macs and PCs.
Classes at the training lab are limited to six students to ensure plenty of individualized attention.
The PubCom's studio training lab in Takoma Park, Maryland, is cozy and complete with plants, refreshments, and two docile Shetland sheepdogs who sleep in the corner. Students have full access to the studio and learn in a unique, relaxed and creative setting.
Classes run from 9:00am – 4:00pm unless otherwise noted. The training lab stays open for an additional hour after each class for self-paced practice time.
Full- or multi- day classes include a one-hour lunch break (on your own) and morning/afternoon breaks.
Comprehensive textbooks and handouts are included in the registration fee. (Note: For some seminars and short classes, formal textbooks aren't available; if so, it's noted in the class description.)
•> Registration and payment information
•> Custom training at your facilities
You won't be lost in the crowd. Hands-on classes at PubCom's training lab are kept to a maximum of six students, which allows plenty of individualized attention for each student.
•>More reasons why you'll receive the best training available from PubCom.
Returning students receive a 5% discount off all future classes.
Group rates are available. Just ask us!
PubCom's hands-on computer classes include self-paced practice time after class, from 4 - 5pm. Although our instructors are available for assistance, the extended lab period is intended to give you a chance to practice what was covered in class, delve into additional topics, and hone your skills in the software.