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PubCom's book division—PubCom Media—provides excellent DIY training materials by leading gurus in the accessibility industry.
Just Released
Accessible InDesign + PDF
Bevi Chagnon's thorough guide to making layouts in Adobe InDesign that export to accessible, complaint PDFs. Updated for InDesign 2021.
225+ page workbook with step-by-step details from start to finish. Large screen captures provide the settings and details that make your documents accessible. Covers not only tags, but sticky issues like controlling the reading orders in a PDF, Articles and Layers panels, Alt-text, accessible tables, TOCs, footnotes, hyperlinks, and strategies to make accessible sidebars and other designer doohickeys.
Author's street creds: Bevi is a former art director (commercial magazines, advertising, STEM publications, automated documents, and massive government tomes). She's a member of the ISO committee for the PDF and PDF/UA standards, as well as an InDesign and Acrobat expert. Bevi is an IAAP-certified ADS (accessible document specialist). And since the 1990s, she has contributed to the development of accessibility standards throughout the industry (web standards, WCAG, PDF/UA and EPUB). She believes that accessibility doesn't need to crimp a designer's style or creativity!
$55 USD per copy (print only)
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Accessible Lists in InDesign
PubCom's 16-page cheat sheet shows how to create various types of lists in Adobe InDesign layouts that covert to accessible tagged PDFs.
Covers the current PDF/UA-1 accessibility standard for bulleted lists, numbered lists, nested lists, and naked lists.
$9.45 USD per copy
Format: Digital download in accessible PDF file.
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The Standard Tags for Accessible PDFs
PubCom's quick one-page guide lists and explains the set of tags for accessible PDFs. Includes where and how to use them, how they are intended to be used.
Covers the current PDF/UA-1 accessibility standard.
$5 USD per copy
Format: Digital download in accessible PDF file.
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Unicode Character Chart
Got Dingbats? is a handy 2-page (one sheet, double-sided) guide to 108 of the most commonly used Unicode characters for STEM symbols, punctuation, dingbats, emoji, and other special characters for publishers. Also recommends OpenType/Unicode fonts with extended character sets and embedding rights that allow you to distribute and sell your documents without additional licensing fees.
$9.45 USD per copy
Format: Digital download in accessible PDF file.
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Cheat Sheet for Accessible Word and PDFs
Bevi Chagnon's cheat sheet for creating accessible documents (PDFs and Word documents) per WCAG and PDF/UA accessibility standards. This cheat sheet is part of the core foundation materials in her accessibility classes for MS Office, Acrobat PDF, and Adobe InDesign.
Using easy-to-understand prompts, it guides users as they check their files for basic compliance requirements.
Perfect for those who use MS Office and Adobe InDesign, or who must check PDFs made by others.
$5 USD per copy
Format: Digital download in accessible PDF file.
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Coming this summer
Accessible Word + PDF
Bevi Chagnon's complete guide to making accessible MS Word documents that export to accessible, compliant PDFs. Updated for Word 365.
175+ page workbook with step-by-step details from start to finish. Large screen captures provide the settings that make your documents accessible. Details how to clean up and correctly format Word.docx files for accessibility. Not only are the Word documents themselves accessible, but PDFs exported from them are more compliant.
Includes: The best methods to format for accessibility, correct legacy documents, start a new document from scratch, control the document's structure (tags and reading order), accessible tables, Alt-text, TOCs, footnotes, hyperlinks, and strategies to provide better Word files that will be imported into desktop publishing programs like Adobe InDesign.
Author's street creds: Bevi is a former programmer and college instructor for office applications, as well as a designer for Word and PowerPoint. She's worked on a bazillion annual reports, STEM publications, government tomes, and PowerPoints (that, AFAIK, haven't induced "death by PowerPoint"). She's a member of the ISO committee for the PDF and PDF/UA standards, as well as an award-winning designer and Acrobat expert. Bevi is an IAAP-certified ADS (accessible document specialist). And since the 1990s, she has contributed to the development of accessibility standards (web standards, WCAG, PDF/UA and EPUB). She believes that accessibility is very doable with MS Office!
$55 USD per copy (print only)
Coming in later 2021

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