About the Author

We're driven to make the digital world accessible to all, so we've created some short tutorials, tips, strategies, and hacks to help you make your documents as accessible as possible to your audience.
By the Team at PubCom
Wait wait … there's more to come!
Our services help you maximize your technology, streamline your workflow, and seamlessly build accessibility into your digital publications. Our mission is to train and coach you so well that you no longer need us or outside remediation services.
By teaching you how to fish — and make accessible PDFs right out of the box — we hope to work ourselves out of our jobs!
PubCom has a full suite of courses on accessibility topics, as well as traditional desktop publishing, digital media, and website development. We started offering accessibility training to the federal government in 2001 right after Section 508 and WCAG 1.0 went into effect in the US. That was 23+ years ago and we haven't stopped yet!
The takeaway: we know publishing, from editorial to design to distribution (print and digital) — and we're accessibility experts (Bevi Chagnon is a delegate to the ISO committee for PDF accessibility that creates the PDF/UA standard). We share our knowledge and help you learn to fish. Our little fisherman keeps us on our goal.
Drop us a line and let us know how we can help.