Accessible Word Templates

With solid expertise in MS Office applications as well as professional design software, we create templates that replicate our clients' current office documents while building in the accessibility features needed for compliance..

An FCA correnspndence template in MS Word.The Farm Credit Administration (FCA) is a US federal agency that provides finance options for America's farmers.

We converted FCA's existing Word templates into fully accessible ones for their writers and editors to use to make their everyday communication materials as accessible as their formal reports and publications.

This sample contains clickable fields for repetitive information that retains the agency's original design and visual formatting while building in the accessibility.

Writers just open the template, click inside the fields, type, and export to accessible PDF. Only a few minor tweaks to the PDF are required for full accessibility. The template automatically populates certain fields and creates pagination on successive pages.

The template creates an accessibile document without adding additional time to the writers' daily tasks.

Samples below show the blank Word template and a sample document exported to PDF shown in Acrobat with the tags panel expanded for viewing.

Screen capture of the template shows input fields.

Screen capture of a sample letter in Acrobat with the tags panel expanded.


  • Accessible Word templates for letters, memos, and other routine correspondence.
  • User guides for the Word templates.
  • Ongoing technical support for staff as they create the agency's daily documents.