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PubCom is currently offering the following Acrobat classes:
This one-day class covers the essentials for those who need to make press-ready PDFs. The printing industry's press-quality specifications and requirements are explained, as well as how you can build your documents to meet them.
Bevi covers the essentials of making PDFs from software such as Adobe InDesign and Microsoft Word. This class provides you with the technical know-how and proper specifications and settings to meet the requirements for offset printing (a.k.a. "press").
You'll be PDF-savvy after this class!
Prerequisite: This is an intermediate-level class, so you should be able to create documents with Adobe InDesign or other professional desktop publishing software.
Instructor: | Bevi Chagnon |
When: | TBA |
Length: | 1 day |
Hours: | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm + extended lab time |
Where: | PubCom's training lab in Takoma Park |
Platforms: | ![]() |
CEUs: | 0.6 CEUs, certificate awarded |
Books: | Textbook and PubCom's workbook |
Fee: | $495 |
Registration: | •> Online registion |
•> Download our registration form | |
•> More details about registration | |
Discounts: | •> Returning students and groups, email us for registration information |
GOVT: | •> Email us for our government price schedule and registration form. |
This class is just for editors, designers and teams that work collaboratively on projects.
Bevi shows your how to use Adobe Acrobat to share PDF documents, allow commenting, edit PDFs, and use other collaborative tools built into later versions of Acrobat Standard and Professional.
Prerequisite: This is an intermediate-level class, so you should have some familiarity with using and making Acrobat PDF files before attending.
Instructor: | Bevi Chagnon |
When: | TBA |
Length: | 1 day |
Hours: | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm + extended lab time |
Where: | PubCom's training lab in Takoma Park |
Platforms: | ![]() |
CEUs: | 0.6 CEUs, certificate awarded |
Books: | Textbook and PubCom's workbook |
Fee: | $495 |
Registration: | •> Online registion |
•> Download our registration form | |
•> More details about registration | |
Discounts: | •> Returning students and groups, email us for registration information |
GOVT: | •> Email us for our government price schedule and registration form. |
The Acrobat PDF file format has become a standard for all forms of publishing, whether a publication is destined for a website, a printing press, or for email.
Anyone can click the "magic" PDF button in a software program and create an Acrobat PDF file. But, will the resulting file actually have the features and technical requirements you need?
Is the PDF press-quality?
Is it 508-compliant?
Is it comment-enabled?
Can the form be fillled out, saved, and printed?
Returning students receive a 5% discount off all future classes.
Group rates are available. Just ask us!
PubCom's hands-on computer classes include self-paced practice time after class, from 4 - 5pm. Although our instructors are available for assistance, the extended lab period is intended to give you a chance to practice what was covered in class, delve into additional topics, and hone your skills in the software.