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Perfect Files for Print & Press Series

Bevi Chagnon has taken her well-known national seminars for government publishers and re-tooled them for publishers of all kinds, from non-profits and design studios to commercial publishers and ad agencies. And they're still just as useful for government publishers, too!

These are Master Classes; you'll learn as many on-the-job details and tricks that Bevi can cover in these 2 classes. No one else covers this material and subject as thoroughly as Bevi.

Perfect Files 1: Preparing Files for Print & Press

Master Class wtih BeviThis "best practices" class focuses on the technical do's and don'ts for files that will be output to film or used for high-quality digital printing (print on demand). You'll learn the technical requirements for the printing and graphic arts industry, which requirements your files must meet, and which ones can be 'fudged' a bit.

The class will also provide guidelines about what to give your print shop/service bureau and what to tell them about your job's technical specs. Although it is primarily lecture and demonstration, this class also has hands-on computer periods.

Publications designer?
Other classes to take —
InDesign Level 1 and 2 »
Photoshop — Quick! For Desktop Publishers,»

After this class, you'll know how to improve your files to assure flawless output, so you can ensure smooth sailing for your next project and reduce those extra charges on your invoice. Your printer will love your files!

Perfect Files 1 — Preparing Files for Print & Press
Instructor: Bevi Chagnon
When: TBA
Length: 1 day
Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm + extended lab time
Where: PubCom's training lab in Takoma Park
Platforms: Windows and Mac logosWindows and Mac
CEUs: 0.6 CEUs, certificate awarded
Books: Textbook and PubCom's workbook
Fee: $445
Registration: •> Online registion
  •> Download our registration form
  •> More details about registration
Discounts: •> Returning students and groups, email us for registration information
GOVT: •> Email us for our government price schedule and registration form.

Perfect Files 2: Preflighting Files

Master Class wtih BeviWe'll take a series of demonstration files and investigate them so that you learn the best ways to preflight different kinds of files. We'll preflight InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw, and Acrobat PDF files, and discuss how to correct the problems we find. Projects are hands-on computer files.

After this class, you'll know many ways to investigate and preflight all kinds of files, and know how to fix them, too. Your printer will love your files!

Perfect Files 2 — Preflighting Files
Instructor: Bevi Chagnon
When: TBA
Length: 1 day
Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm + extended lab time
Where: PubCom's training lab in Takoma Park
Platforms: Windows and Mac logosWindows and Mac
CEUs: 0.6 CEUs, certificate awarded
Books: Textbook and PubCom's workbook
Fee: $445
Registration: •> Online registion
  •> Download our registration form
  •> More details about registration
Discounts: •> Returning students and groups, email us for registration information
GOVT: •> Email us for our government price schedule and registration form.


Save Time & Money

The essentials taught in these classes will help prevent problems from wrecking havoc when files are imaged to film on the service bureau’s imagesetter or sent to digital presses and printer, saving you time and money.


Repeat Rewards!

Returning students receive a 5% discount off all future classes.

Group rates are available. Just ask us!


Extended Lab Time

PubCom's hands-on computer classes include self-paced practice time after class, from 4 - 5pm. Although our instructors are available for assistance, the extended lab period is intended to give you a chance to practice what was covered in class, delve into additional topics, and hone your skills in the software.



On site group classes

We can bring any of our classes and seminars to your place.

•> Ask for our group price schedule.

Classes can be customized for your specific publications and website needs, and follow-up consulting and technical support is also available.