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Our instructors are the real deal

PubCom's instructors are seasoned pros who continue to work in the industry in addition to conducting classes.

They teach from real world experience … every class is filled with practical how-tos, tips, tricks, and on-the-job examples. You will learn from the masters!

Bevi Chagnon

Bevi ChagnonPubCom's founding partner heads up the training and consulting teams.

Bevi Chagnon is half designer, half geek, and 100 percent teacher. She's a prolific writer on design, web, desktop publishing, Sec. 508 accessibility, technology, digital media, and cross-media publishing. Look for her work in your class handouts and custom workbooks, as well as online in various forums, tech lists, industry websites, and her blog, The Electronic Page.

Her 35+ years in the industry has seen her as a magazine art director, graphic designer, computer programmer, typesetter, copywriter, marketing guru, publications director, digital media maven, and website developer.

If it involves communication in any format, traditional and digital, she's done it.

Today, Bevi is a technologist and information architect for government and enterprise communications…print, digital, electronic, web, PDF, Sec. 508, accessibility, EPUB, and whatever new technologies Apple, Adobe, and Samsung will create in the future. 

Experience: Standards

Through her membership with ANSI (American National Standards Institute), Bevi is a U.S. global delegate to the International Standards Organization (ISO) for PDF standards, including PDF/UA (universal access). Through these organizations, she contributes to the development of accessibility standards of documents. She has also been a contributor to the WCAG guidelines for web accessibility, as well as to various other committees for EPUB standards.

In terms of accessibility, Bevi points out in her classes that she was born into a family with disabilities and has been personally and professionally affiliated with the communities for many decades, long before Section 508 was put into law in 1998. So she understands how our documents need to be used by people with many disabilities: blindness, low vision, upperbody motor disabilities, cognitive, hearing, neurological….she has worked with people with all of the disabilities covered by accessibility guidelines.

Experience: Software

For the past 30 years, she has been a highly regarded advisor and beta tester to major software companies, and has had a part in developing a lot of the software on your computer; so she understands how these software tools work…and how we should be using those tools for efficient, creative, cross-media publishing.

Experience: Government

Bevi is a very familiar face to government publishers; she has taught for the US GPO's Institute (IFPEP) since the early 1990s, and has worked directly with countless government agencies and their publications for over 3 decades.

She works not only with federal agencies, but also state, local, and foreign governments. Bevi is considered one of the country's top consultants on government publishing.

Experience: Teaching

In addition to heading PubCom's stable of instructors, Bevi has also taught at George Washington University's publication specialist certificate program, Howard Community College, and Montgomery College in the Washington DC-metropolitan area.

She's a frequent speaker at publishing industry conferences and accessibility seminars around the country.

Topics she teaches: graphic design, web design, Section 508 accessibility, printing technologies, cross-media / digital media technologies, XML, management, desktop publishing, Acrobat, photography, digital image correction, marketing and product development.

Still a designer at heart

Bevi still maintains her design and art through PubCom and her personal time. Spare time endeavors: photography, gardening, architecture, and not cooking (her burnt-cheese sandwiches are legendary!).

Les Greenberg

Les GreenbergLes is a familiar face to government publishers.

With 3 decades of federal service, Les is an expert on federal government publishing regulations, as well as of Government Printing Office (GPO) policy and procedures.

He has over 40 years combined experience in printing and publishing, including 10 years in commercial print procurement, sales, and sales management, and 31 years of federal service (16 years at the GPO). Les retired from the federal government in 2006 and now focuses on consulting with and training government publishers. He writes and is often asked to share his knowledge at numerous speaking engagements. Les has been an Adobe Corporation freelancer (product presenter) and has chaired the local Washington DC chapter of the Acrobat Users Group.

Topics he teaches: printing technologies, government procurement, GPO processes, customer service, Acrobat.

Spare time endeavors: CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), and gardening (ask him about the heron who thought the koi pond was a sushi bar!)

PubCom's instructors

•> Bevi Chagnon

•> Les Greenberg

Let us know if you need a comprehensive resume of any of our instructors/consultants.


"Well-balanced and very useful training. No wasted space. All good material, very well presented.

"Give us more of this kind of training!"

— Government publisher


•> Bevi's often quoted on leading web sources...

" Bevi is always one of the better sources of info on this excellent list."

David Bergsland


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•> Ask for our group price schedule.

Classes can be customized for your specific publications and website needs, and follow-up consulting and technical support is also available.