Logo: PubCom 

Registration & Payment Information

There are 3 easy ways to register for any PubCom class. Use whichever method is easiest for you.

  1. Register online and use your major credit card. Government credit cards are accepted.
    Sample button, Register Online. Click the Register Online link shown within each course listing.
  2. Submit an government or corporate purchase order with PubCom's registration form (Adobe PDF, 115K). Fax it back to PubCom at 877-978-2266 (fax, toll-free). It must contain payment options, such as the PO number. We can also take your credit card information via phone.
  3. Email PubCom directly with your registration and payment information: training @ pubcom.com


Prices for classes are listed with each class description. PubCom accepts:

  • MasterCard and Visa credit cards (government credit cards also accepted).
  • Corporate checks
  • GPO SPA orders. Email us for our SPAs for regional offices.


Sign up for any one PubCom class, and take 5% off every additional class after that! (Additional specific discounts available for PubCom's digital photography classes.)

For discounted government prices, contact us directly for the discount code at training@pubcom.com

Group discounts are also available. Please •> contact PubCom for more information, to request specific training dates, or to schedule an onsite class at your company.

Info for Government clients

PubCom is SBA-certified as a woman-owned small business. We are listed on SBA's Pro-Net, as well as the Central Contractor Registry (CCR, cage code #3FNF3).

•> Visit our government page for details on applicable NAICS codes, as well as payments with government credit cards or purchase orders.

Group & Government Discounts

Please contact PubCom for more information on group discounts, or to request specific training dates or an onsite class at your company.


Need a place to stay while you're here?


If you're coming in from out of town, check our list of recommended hotels before you book your room.

•> Nearby Hotels and Restaurants.

Don't see the class you need?
If the class you're looking for isn't on the calendar, contact us — we can probably add it to the line up:
Full list of course topics & subjects.