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From selecting the best digital camera for you, to using software to enhance your shots, Bevi Chagnon demystifies the entire digital photography process. PubCom currently offers the following digital photography classes:
This class, offering a basic grounding in what digital photography is all about, is perfect for home users who take snapshots and want to make the move to a digital camera.
This is a short, half-day class introduces digital photography to newbies. Topics include how to purchase a digital camera with the right features and price for you, understanding the different types of storage media, transferring photos to your computer, making prints from your photos, and what kinds of software, computers, printers and other "contraptions" you'll need. You won't be so clueless after this class!
(Follow up this class with "Clueless 2 & 3" below.)
Instructor: | Bevi Chagnon |
When: | TBA Spring 2011 |
Length: | one 1/2-day session (weekend class) |
Hours: | 12:30pm - 3:30pm + extended lab time |
Where: | PubCom's training lab in Takoma Park |
Platforms: | n/a — it's "hands-on" camera! |
CEUs: | 0.3 CEUs, certificate awarded |
Books: | PubCom's workbook |
Fee: | $59 — See •> Discounts |
Registration: | •> Online registion — Spring 2011 |
•> Download our registration form | |
•> More details about registration | |
Discounts: | •> Returning students and groups, email us for registration information |
GOVT: | •> Email us for our government price schedule and registration form. |
In this hands-on class, you'll practice taking shots with your digital camera, transfering them to a computer, printing them out, and burning them to a CD.
In two half-day sessions, you'll get your feet wet in digital photography and learn pointers to take better snapshots. Topics include changing the settings on your digital camera for the type of shot and lighting you have, composing shots, shooting kids-sports-pets-landscapes-family gatherings, and transferring photos to your computer.
If you want to take better snapshots of your family and vacations, this class is for you. (Follow up this class with "Clueless 3 " below.)
Instructor: | Bevi Chagnon |
When: | TBA Spring 2011 |
Length: | two 1/2-day sessions (weekend classes) |
Hours: | 12:30pm - 3:30pm + extended lab time |
Where: | PubCom's training lab in Takoma Park |
Platforms: | Your camera and ![]() |
CEUs: | 0.6 CEUs, certificate awarded |
Books: | PubCom's workbook |
Fee: | $125 — See •> Discounts |
Registration: | •> Online registion — Spring 2011 |
•> Download our registration form | |
•> More details about registration | |
Discounts: | •> Returning students and groups, email us for registration information |
GOVT: | •> Email us for our government price schedule and registration form. |
So you've bought your camera, started taking and printing photos — now you're wondering what to do with all those less-than-perfect digital shots.
In this hands-on class, we'll learn the essential features of Adobe Photoshop Elements to adjust photos, as well as crop them (uh-oh, Uncle Louie got into the photo again this year, didn't he!) and make low-resolution versions to email to grandparents or post on your personal website.
This is a short, one-day class that covers the essentials of Photoshop Elements. Topics include adjusting lighting and contrast, removing color-casts, cropping photos, making hi-resolution versions for printing, and making low-resolution versions for email and websites. You'll also get the chance to print a photo or two on our inkjet printers.
Instructor: | Bevi Chagnon |
When: | TBA Spring 2011 |
Length: | one full-day session (weekend class) |
Hours: | 12:30pm - 3:30pm + extended lab time |
Where: | PubCom's training lab in Takoma Park |
Platforms: | Your camera and ![]() |
CEUs: | 0.6 CEUs, certificate awarded |
Books: | PubCom's workbook |
Fee: | $125 — See •> Discounts |
Registration: | •> Online registion — Spring 2011 |
•> Download our registration form | |
•> More details about registration | |
Discounts: | •> Returning students and groups, email us for registration information |
GOVT: | •> Email us for our government price schedule and registration form. |